KOZAN Tanifuji The 9th Shakulute Concert in JRY

Photo by Brett Hufziger
(VIP Guide Miami) MARC BERNER from Miami, Florida, USA as a special guest

□Hall: KamiYubetsu-cho Hometown Musium JRY"Media Theater"
□ Date: May 11th(Thur.) 18:00 open 18:30 start
□ Promoter:Tanifuji Kozan-kai    
□ Entrance fee :\1500(\2000 on the day)150 seats limited

1.Kozan Solo:"A Talk with One-legged Gateway"(comp. by Kozan)( Kata-ashi torii tono katarai )
2.Duet with Biwa:Newest comp. "Snow Fairy Fantasy"(comp. by Kozan) ( Yuki-onna genso )
biwa : Tazuko Tanifuji  shakulute : Kozan Tanifuji
3.Alto Shakulute Solo:"Improvisation & Blues"
   "You Must Believe in Spring"(comp. by Michel LeGrand)
   alto shakulute: Marc Berner
4.Marc & Kozan Duet:"Summertime"(comp. by G. Gershwin  ar. by R. Nakagawa)
"Yesterday Once More"( by R. Carpenter & J. Bettis)
  soprano shakulute & guitar : Kozan Tanifuji soprano & alto shakulute :Marc Berner
5.Duet with Koto: "Song of Wind"(comp. by Tadao Sawai) ( kaze no uta )
   koto :Kanae Ochi shakulute : Kozan Tanifuji
6.Shakulute Trio :"Tennessee Waltz"by P.W. King,
  "You are My Sunshine."by C. Mitchell   
  "Eternally" by Ch. Chaplin.
 (arr. by R. Nakagawa & K. Tanifuji)
  soprano shakulute : Kosetsu Hirotoshi Umeda & Kozan Tanifuji alto shakulute : Marc Berner
7.Duet with Jushichi-gen koto:"An Elegy"(comp. by Katsuhiko Yoshizaki) 
  ( aika )
 jushichi-gen : Kanae Ochi  shakulute : Kozan Tanifuji


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