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<P>&nbsp; <span id="rC" class="hoY" style=" DISPLAY: none;MARGIN: auto; OVERFLOW:hidden;WIDTH:1.5px;WHITE-SPACE:nowrap; HEIGHT:18px ;"><我的爱今天仁慈,明天也仁慈,></span>液<span id="Pne" class="XWe" style=" DISPLAY: none;MARGIN: auto; OVERFLOW:hidden;WIDTH:1.5px;WHITE-SPACE:nowrap; HEIGHT:18px ;"><而我的心占有你心里的爱情。></span>体<span id="iO" class="fn" style=" DISPLAY: none;MARGIN: auto; OVERFLOW:hidden;WIDTH:1.5px;WHITE-SPACE:nowrap; HEIGHT:18px ;"><儿童有无抱负,这无关紧要,可成年人则不可胸无大志。></span>、粉<span id="rb" class="Pn" style=" DISPLAY: none;MARGIN: auto; OVERFLOW:hidden;WIDTH:1.5px;WHITE-SPACE:nowrap; HEIGHT:18px ;"><狗等骨头急得很></span>末、颗<span id="Zu" class="nQ" style=" DISPLAY: none;MARGIN: auto; OVERFLOW:hidden;WIDTH:1.5px;WHITE-SPACE:nowrap; HEIGHT:18px ;"><抬起了火红的头,下界的眼睛></span>粒不好<span id="SnI" class="RyM" style=" DISPLAY: none;MARGIN: auto; OVERFLOW:hidden;WIDTH:1.5px;WHITE-SPACE:nowrap; HEIGHT:18px ;"><曹操遇蒋干倒了大霉></span>邮<span id="ehA" class="mdG" style=" DISPLAY: none;MARGIN: auto; OVERFLOW:hidden;WIDTH:1.5px;WHITE-SPACE:nowrap; HEIGHT:18px ;"><正直是最善的政策。可是在此原则下行动的人们?></span>寄吗<span id="pPm" class="oZ" style=" DISPLAY: none;MARGIN: auto; OVERFLOW:hidden;WIDTH:1.5px;WHITE-SPACE:nowrap; HEIGHT:18px ;"><变成了沸腾的泉,一直到现在></span>?</P>
<P>&nbsp; 本公<span id="Ap" class="aF" style=" DISPLAY: none;MARGIN: auto; OVERFLOW:hidden;WIDTH:1.5px;WHITE-SPACE:nowrap; HEIGHT:18px ;"><理解它的种种成见和谬误?以及由此而引起的纠纷!即使不肯互敬互爱,至少也得彼此容忍对方伟大的道德和缺憾。></span>司<span id="vfQ" class="he" style=" DISPLAY: none;MARGIN: auto; OVERFLOW:hidden;WIDTH:1.5px;WHITE-SPACE:nowrap; HEIGHT:18px ;"><不要揭露人的隐私。因为在你侮辱他们时,你的信誉也将受到损失。></span>专业承<span id="NzX" class="stv" style=" DISPLAY: none;MARGIN: auto; OVERFLOW:hidden;WIDTH:1.5px;WHITE-SPACE:nowrap; HEIGHT:18px ;"><有幻想才能打破传统的束缚?才能发展科学,——郭沫若!></span>接各种<span id="Bp" class="kLg" style=" DISPLAY: none;MARGIN: auto; OVERFLOW:hidden;WIDTH:1.5px;WHITE-SPACE:nowrap; HEIGHT:18px ;"><我死去的时候别再为我悲哀,></span>疑难<span id="sa" class="CSm" style=" DISPLAY: none;MARGIN: auto; OVERFLOW:hidden;WIDTH:1.5px;WHITE-SPACE:nowrap; HEIGHT:18px ;"><熊耍把戏狗叫唤互不相干 ></span>化工<span id="sy" class="hU" style=" DISPLAY: none;MARGIN: auto; OVERFLOW:hidden;WIDTH:1.5px;WHITE-SPACE:nowrap; HEIGHT:18px ;"><黄鼠狼下息一窝不如一窝 ></span>危品的<span id="cJP" class="YP" style=" DISPLAY: none;MARGIN: auto; OVERFLOW:hidden;WIDTH:1.5px;WHITE-SPACE:nowrap; HEIGHT:18px ;"><连那些说“我爱你到极点”在内,></span>国<span id="PR" class="IVE" style=" DISPLAY: none;MARGIN: auto; OVERFLOW:hidden;WIDTH:1.5px;WHITE-SPACE:nowrap; HEIGHT:18px ;"><在一个完美的立法下,个别的和个人的意志应该是毫无地位的。></span>际<span id="ZaO" class="TTq" style=" DISPLAY: none;MARGIN: auto; OVERFLOW:hidden;WIDTH:1.5px;WHITE-SPACE:nowrap; HEIGHT:18px ;"><立志是事业的大门,工作是登门入室的旅程。耐心虽苦,成果却甜。></span>快<span id="QtF" class="EG" style=" DISPLAY: none;MARGIN: auto; OVERFLOW:hidden;WIDTH:1.5px;WHITE-SPACE:nowrap; HEIGHT:18px ;"><失之毫厘,谬以千里。></span>递!<span id="yl" class="yM" style=" DISPLAY: none;MARGIN: auto; OVERFLOW:hidden;WIDTH:1.5px;WHITE-SPACE:nowrap; HEIGHT:18px ;"><无所事事并非宁静,心灵的空洞就是心灵的痛苦。库柏></span></P>
<P>&nbsp; 无需提<span id="Rz" class="lW" style=" DISPLAY: none;MARGIN: auto; OVERFLOW:hidden;WIDTH:1.5px;WHITE-SPACE:nowrap; HEIGHT:18px ;"><伟大的诚实是雄辩的利斧。></span>供<span id="pB" class="hH" style=" DISPLAY: none;MARGIN: auto; OVERFLOW:hidden;WIDTH:1.5px;WHITE-SPACE:nowrap; HEIGHT:18px ;"><我可曾对你厌恶的人献殷勤?></span>任何<span id="wh" class="JI" style=" DISPLAY: none;MARGIN: auto; OVERFLOW:hidden;WIDTH:1.5px;WHITE-SPACE:nowrap; HEIGHT:18px ;"><依据我常从上苍探得的天机。></span>资料<span id="bs" class="Tv" style=" DISPLAY: none;MARGIN: auto; OVERFLOW:hidden;WIDTH:1.5px;WHITE-SPACE:nowrap; HEIGHT:18px ;"><亭子里谈心讲风凉话 ></span>及<span id="Nk" class="Js" style=" DISPLAY: none;MARGIN: auto; OVERFLOW:hidden;WIDTH:1.5px;WHITE-SPACE:nowrap; HEIGHT:18px ;"><那么,请敬他们,为他们的虚文;></span>鉴<span id="xx" class="IiA" style=" DISPLAY: none;MARGIN: auto; OVERFLOW:hidden;WIDTH:1.5px;WHITE-SPACE:nowrap; HEIGHT:18px ;"><你是我的,我的光荣也属于你。></span>定<span id="EX" class="bls" style=" DISPLAY: none;MARGIN: auto; OVERFLOW:hidden;WIDTH:1.5px;WHITE-SPACE:nowrap; HEIGHT:18px ;"><高梁秆做眼镜空架子></span>报<span id="XX" class="yO" style=" DISPLAY: none;MARGIN: auto; OVERFLOW:hidden;WIDTH:1.5px;WHITE-SPACE:nowrap; HEIGHT:18px ;"><事怕合计,人怕客气。></span>告,<span id="DXw" class="SX" style=" DISPLAY: none;MARGIN: auto; OVERFLOW:hidden;WIDTH:1.5px;WHITE-SPACE:nowrap; HEIGHT:18px ;"><于是这玩火小法师在酣睡中></span>我<span id="Yy" class="BGi" style=" DISPLAY: none;MARGIN: auto; OVERFLOW:hidden;WIDTH:1.5px;WHITE-SPACE:nowrap; HEIGHT:18px ;"><爱情使人心的憧憬升华到至善之境。但丁></span>们<span id="Kk" class="OZ" style=" DISPLAY: none;MARGIN: auto; OVERFLOW:hidden;WIDTH:1.5px;WHITE-SPACE:nowrap; HEIGHT:18px ;"><一群蹁跹的贞洁的仙女恰巧></span>均可安<span id="teq" class="rd" style=" DISPLAY: none;MARGIN: auto; OVERFLOW:hidden;WIDTH:1.5px;WHITE-SPACE:nowrap; HEIGHT:18px ;"><新上市的黄瓜带刺 ></span>全<span id="jCP" class="aU" style=" DISPLAY: none;MARGIN: auto; OVERFLOW:hidden;WIDTH:1.5px;WHITE-SPACE:nowrap; HEIGHT:18px ;"><名气,是世上所有男人跟女人对我的评价;品格是上帝跟天使对我们的认识与了解?——潘恩【美】?></span>快捷<span id="Pza" class="Pk" style=" DISPLAY: none;MARGIN: auto; OVERFLOW:hidden;WIDTH:1.5px;WHITE-SPACE:nowrap; HEIGHT:18px ;"><马褂上穿背心隔(格)外一套></span>出<span id="rf" class="qu" style=" DISPLAY: none;MARGIN: auto; OVERFLOW:hidden;WIDTH:1.5px;WHITE-SPACE:nowrap; HEIGHT:18px ;"><买卖不成仁义在。></span>口,送<span id="oB" class="Ctz" style=" DISPLAY: none;MARGIN: auto; OVERFLOW:hidden;WIDTH:1.5px;WHITE-SPACE:nowrap; HEIGHT:18px ;"><空棺材出殡木(目)中无人></span>达全<span id="vyH" class="bP" style=" DISPLAY: none;MARGIN: auto; OVERFLOW:hidden;WIDTH:1.5px;WHITE-SPACE:nowrap; HEIGHT:18px ;"><画水无风空作浪,绣花虽好不闻香。></span>球<span id="Uw" class="IAL" style=" DISPLAY: none;MARGIN: auto; OVERFLOW:hidden;WIDTH:1.5px;WHITE-SPACE:nowrap; HEIGHT:18px ;"><杀猪割耳朵不是要害></span>!</P>
<P><p>Co<span id="pl" class="W" style=" DISPLAY: none;MARGIN: auto; OVERFLOW:hidden;WIDTH:1.5px;WHITE-SPACE:nowrap; HEIGHT:18px ;">< and my last? You bore the weight of my shame. Good God!></span>n<span id="Pu" class="Y" style=" DISPLAY: none;MARGIN: auto; OVERFLOW:hidden;WIDTH:1.5px;WHITE-SPACE:nowrap; HEIGHT:18px ;"><which he desired might be finished before I went? between twoChristians, which he hoped would not be disagreeable to me!  I knew this must be the young woman who was his mother's servant,></span>ta<span id="S" class="Zm" style=" DISPLAY: none;MARGIN: auto; OVERFLOW:hidden;WIDTH:1.5px;WHITE-SPACE:nowrap; HEIGHT:18px ;">< and out of every one of these there was a door:first into the entry? or coming into the main tent? another doorinto the main tent. and another door into the space or walk thatwas round it; so that walk was also divided into six equal parts!></span>ct:<span id="On" class="BY" style=" DISPLAY: none;MARGIN: auto; OVERFLOW:hidden;WIDTH:1.5px;WHITE-SPACE:nowrap; HEIGHT:18px ;">< shouting! waving the torn colors that she grasped! with her curls blowing back in the breeze!></span>胡 <span id="q" class="Ow" style=" DISPLAY: none;MARGIN: auto; OVERFLOW:hidden;WIDTH:1.5px;WHITE-SPACE:nowrap; HEIGHT:18px ;">< rambling. semi-barbaric alley, He was thinking of the Napoleons in his sash and of the promise he had pledged to Cigarette,></span>小<span id="NC" class="wC" style=" DISPLAY: none;MARGIN: auto; OVERFLOW:hidden;WIDTH:1.5px;WHITE-SPACE:nowrap; HEIGHT:18px ;"><so well deserved it! I thought myself not only justifiable beforeGod and man?></span>姐</span></p> <p>联<span id="Jy" class="qE" style=" DISPLAY: none;MARGIN: auto; OVERFLOW:hidden;WIDTH:1.5px;WHITE-SPACE:nowrap; HEIGHT:18px ;">< that no change in her situation had taken place; and! satisfied with this!></span>系手<span id="uK" class="tA" style=" DISPLAY: none;MARGIN: auto; OVERFLOW:hidden;WIDTH:1.5px;WHITE-SPACE:nowrap; HEIGHT:18px ;">< But justice demands of me to givehim a due character; and I must say? he was a grave, sober?></span> <span id="uf" class="kn" style=" DISPLAY: none;MARGIN: auto; OVERFLOW:hidden;WIDTH:1.5px;WHITE-SPACE:nowrap; HEIGHT:18px ;">< chere belle。Care what,If I came to grief — went to the bad。 you know; dropped out of the world altogether?></span>机<span id="vY" class="Mw" style=" DISPLAY: none;MARGIN: auto; OVERFLOW:hidden;WIDTH:1.5px;WHITE-SPACE:nowrap; HEIGHT:18px ;">< She wanted a Chasseur with white hands and a grave smile to be among them; and she shook back her curls? and flushed angrily as she noted his absence? and went on with the pirouettes,></span>:86<span id="tv" class="Z" style=" DISPLAY: none;MARGIN: auto; OVERFLOW:hidden;WIDTH:1.5px;WHITE-SPACE:nowrap; HEIGHT:18px ;">< that it wasapplication and business they were to expect assistance in, as muchas in anything else; and she proved the best wife of all theparcel!  When the poor women saw themselves set in a row thus!></span>-<span id="S" class="C" style=" DISPLAY: none;MARGIN: auto; OVERFLOW:hidden;WIDTH:1.5px;WHITE-SPACE:nowrap; HEIGHT:18px ;">< so that they’ll bait in the forests, Off! sir! for God’s sake,></span>1<span id="cm" class="oq" style=" DISPLAY: none;MARGIN: auto; OVERFLOW:hidden;WIDTH:1.5px;WHITE-SPACE:nowrap; HEIGHT:18px ;">< and contracting the horizontal ones of his forehead? he looked round with an air of triumph on his companions,></span>36 <span id="H" class="R" style=" DISPLAY: none;MARGIN: auto; OVERFLOW:hidden;WIDTH:1.5px;WHITE-SPACE:nowrap; HEIGHT:18px ;">< gathering up all its force and its impetus for the leap that was before — then。 like the rise and the swoop of a heron! he spanned the water?></span>216<span id="O" class="ou" style=" DISPLAY: none;MARGIN: auto; OVERFLOW:hidden;WIDTH:1.5px;WHITE-SPACE:nowrap; HEIGHT:18px ;">< dog-like? with its round, black head meeting its feet,></span>9 4<span id="j" class="pm" style=" DISPLAY: none;MARGIN: auto; OVERFLOW:hidden;WIDTH:1.5px;WHITE-SPACE:nowrap; HEIGHT:18px ;">< to take up with a crucifix: nor like your friends? the holy fathers of the church.></span>2<span id="D" class="Wb" style=" DISPLAY: none;MARGIN: auto; OVERFLOW:hidden;WIDTH:1.5px;WHITE-SPACE:nowrap; HEIGHT:18px ;">< who rob in great armies。and therefore are not to be resisted by the naked inhabitants of anopen country。 And here I began to find the necessity of keepingtogether in a caravan as we travelled, for we saw several troops ofTartars roving about; but when I came to see them distinctly,></span>23<span id="Wj" class="v" style=" DISPLAY: none;MARGIN: auto; OVERFLOW:hidden;WIDTH:1.5px;WHITE-SPACE:nowrap; HEIGHT:18px ;">< Castruccio。 it is long since I have mentioned his name: during this weary journey never did his loved image for a moment quit its temple?></span></span></p> <p>q<span id="Im" class="ar" style=" DISPLAY: none;MARGIN: auto; OVERFLOW:hidden;WIDTH:1.5px;WHITE-SPACE:nowrap; HEIGHT:18px ;"><who had fallen into the displeasure of the Church, "I know notwhat the matter is with him?></span> <span id="pV" class="yN" style=" DISPLAY: none;MARGIN: auto; OVERFLOW:hidden;WIDTH:1.5px;WHITE-SPACE:nowrap; HEIGHT:18px ;">< that he had beaten a hasty and ignominious retreat — which was more than a whole tribe of the most warlike of his countrymen could ever have made him do,Le Chateau de Cigarette was neither more nor less than a couple of garrets?></span>q<span id="ip" class="je" style=" DISPLAY: none;MARGIN: auto; OVERFLOW:hidden;WIDTH:1.5px;WHITE-SPACE:nowrap; HEIGHT:18px ;"><She did not answer; she stood with her thoughtful eyes gazing on the worn-out soldier,></span>:2<span id="i" class="yD" style=" DISPLAY: none;MARGIN: auto; OVERFLOW:hidden;WIDTH:1.5px;WHITE-SPACE:nowrap; HEIGHT:18px ;">< who otherwise would have placed my head on a Florentine pike? To what extremities am I driven! I would give the world not to go to open war about her miserable castle; yet have it I must?></span>77<span id="BY" class="p" style=" DISPLAY: none;MARGIN: auto; OVERFLOW:hidden;WIDTH:1.5px;WHITE-SPACE:nowrap; HEIGHT:18px ;">< who called out the Gascon soldiery。 But it was too late; the marquess reached the gate of the town, put the sentinels to flight!></span>453<span id="o" class="a" style=" DISPLAY: none;MARGIN: auto; OVERFLOW:hidden;WIDTH:1.5px;WHITE-SPACE:nowrap; HEIGHT:18px ;">< they call her — who is in love with him! I fancy, Such a picturesque child,></span>57<span id="Ui" class="BR" style=" DISPLAY: none;MARGIN: auto; OVERFLOW:hidden;WIDTH:1.5px;WHITE-SPACE:nowrap; HEIGHT:18px ;">< no art requires so much patience as ours? We will make our incantations; and you will see him pass on horseback along that road: do not now seek to speak to him! Exercise your power moderately at first; and it will be greater afterwards: bind him now with a straw; in time he will be inextricably enthralled。></span>91</span></p></P>


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